Thoughts on The Goal by Eliyahu Goldratt

Thoughts on The Goal by Eliyahu Goldratt

Writing a business book as a novel, something that Goldratt helped make popular, was widespread for a while. This trend led to criticisms of business books being "light fluff", instead of serious works. Novelization improved the breadth of readership and sales of the book, making it a good business...

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International Impact of Insurance

International Impact of Insurance

Disclaimer: This was originally written to fulfil course work

The impact of insurance on world trade is simple to understand. Transactions, including trade, involve multiple types of risk. Insurance is one way of dealing with risk by aggregating it across multiple owners and thus shifting it away...

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The Commercial Space Race

The Commercial Space Race

As a technophile, for decades I have maintained an interest in space developments, so the current boom in space, especially the private space race, has been enormously entertaining. While reading and studying for a class in finance, I saw things a little differently. This following essay shares one...

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Two Blockchain Impacts in 2019-2020

Two Blockchain Impacts in 2019-2020

(Note: The following was originally written to fulfill course work)

Carbaugh (2017) on page 370 briefly mentions cryptocurrency. He takes a pretty negative view, focusing almost exclusively on the bad actors taking advantage of the technology’s lack of governmental controls. Though cryptocurrency/...

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