Obsidian Search Guide

Obsidian Search Guide

One of the weird things about squirrels is that they love to bury food, especially seeds, in as many places as they can get to safely. That would be totally normal if they later dug that food up. Instead, random things pop up out of the soil because a year (or maybe more) ago, a squirrel buried that...

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Why I don't use MOCs in my PKM

Why I don't use MOCs in my PKM

Maps of Content (MOC) are widely used in the PKM world, and yet I choose not to implement them as they're usually presented. MOCs are a way of linking related ideas in a single note that brings all the ideas together. The recommended way of using this is to create a series of stand-alone documents...

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Demographics and Ectogenesis

Demographics and Ectogenesis

Demographic hollowing out is like a cobra: fascinating and deadly. This topic will shape our world of the next 100 years in profound ways, yet receives very little public attention.

The Canadian Situation

The Canadian demographic situation is very similar to other countries, having seen a declin...

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Canadian Nuclear Opportunities

Canadian Nuclear Opportunities

image: U-Battery

I have a non-professional interest in nuclear power as one of the highest density power sources we have yet discovered. Its carbon emissions rating is lower than hydro and despite dramatic accidents and contrary to the histrionic reporting, kills fewer people per year than any...

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Hyperspectral Imaging in Earth Observation

Hyperspectral Imaging in Earth Observation

Hyperspectral Imaging

Satellites are the most profitable sector of Canadian space, and earth imaging is the most profitable portion of the sector. To understand satellite imaging, I am exploring several earth observation (EO) technologies. This area is fascinating and changing rapidly, so it's wor...

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Space Based Power Not Yet the Future

Space Based Power Not Yet the Future

I was first exposed to the idea of space-based power in George Friedman's 2010 book The Next 100 Years.1 The idea is fairly simple, locate solar panels above weather and Earth-based obstructions and at a point where the sun shines continuously. Geo-synchronous (GEO) orbits achieve the correct po...

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Levitation Furnaces for Manufacturing in Space

Levitation Furnaces for Manufacturing in Space

Most important, in a practical sense, would be the construction of factories that could make use of the special properties of space — high and low temperatures, hard radiation. Unlimited vacuum, zero gravity — to manufacture objects that could be difficult or impossible to manufacture on Earth, so...

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