There Ain't No Magic

When I was younger I was very religious. I was earnest, idealistic and, truth be told, more than a little gullible. Over the years, many of those hard edges have rubbed off, and I'd like to say, "Good riddance!"

One of the things I have pondered recently is the role of magic in religion and life i...

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Can you give people riches?

Recently someone suggested that if you divide Michael Bloomberg's advertising budget for his 2020 presidential campaign and give a bit to every American and that doing so would wipe out poverty because everyone would have a million dollars. Ignoring the fact that dividing \(500 million by 327 milli...

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Working with Others

In The Coaching Habit, Michael Stanier writes that our brains are constantly scanning for 4 things: tribe, expectation, rank, and autonomy.

We want to know that we belong to the group of people that we're with. We're almost desperate to be part of the tribe.

We want to know where we fit within o...

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Cardamom Coffee

If you like Science Fiction, you will have run across references to spiced coffee or cardamom coffee. For example, Kevin J. Anderson's Seven Sun Saga contains this dramatic scene:

After everyone had complimented the elaborate confection, a compy strutted in with a special pot of cardamom coffee...

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