Worm Business: Skid Row Heron Vermiculture

Worm Business: Skid Row Heron Vermiculture

Owner(s) Community owned
In business since 2020?
Location Los Angeles, CA, USA
Website Skid Row Heron
Social Media Instagram

Products & Services


There are two things that really set Skid Row Heron apart from other worm businesses. The first is their bins, and the second is their location.

Absolutely the most gorgeous worm bins you will ever find — bar none! Skid Row Heron handcrafts worm bins from California redwood. The boxes come in sizes ranging from counter-top ready to big enough for the entire family. Turning these stunning creations into conversation starters should be simple.

Customers can start with a standard setup and then add to it. Additional trays can build the bin up and allow for the home set up to grow.

Skid Row Heron's location in downtown Los Angeles is very interesting. Their location allows provides very different interactions than many other worm farms. As a community owned business, their facilities seem very open and inviting.