Faridpur Women Make Extra Earning by Producing Vermicompost

Faridpur Women Make Extra Earning by Producing Vermicompost

Faridpur is a district in south-central Bangladesh. The Daily Star, a newspaper, reports that three years ago, a group of women there started vermicomposting. Using cow dung from family farms, they are creating organic fertilizer that local farmers love. An interviewed farmer said that he has stopped using chemical fertilizers and still gets a better crop of gourds.

In detailing the women's process, it's interesting that they are not just using raw dung. By pre-composting local vegetation and adding it to the dung before feeding it to the worms, they are improving through-put. One of the interviewed women claimed she produces 400 kg of compost a month! That's a lot of worm castings.

The fertilizer business has provided economic independence for local women. The additional money also improves the lives of their families. The local counsel provides information for anyone wanting to start such a business in the area. This kind of government sponsorship of vermiculture provides a significant advantage to anyone entering the business. 
