Thoughts on Group Leadership

Thoughts on Group Leadership

I recently re-read Warren Bennis' paper "The Secrets of Great Groups."1 I found myself considering his words in the context of groups struggling to create knowledge products to share with others. Many of these groups are really research groups, dedicating the majority of their time to discovering...

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The Extraordinary Utility of Crypto

The Extraordinary Utility of Crypto

Most money histories start with bartering, talk about sea shells, gold and other mediums of exchange and finally consider coins and other currency. After starting with the network, thdey abruptly transition into objects, and keep the focus there.

What happens, though, if we retain a focus on netwo...

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Demographics and Ectogenesis

Demographics and Ectogenesis

Demographic hollowing out is like a cobra: fascinating and deadly. This topic will shape our world of the next 100 years in profound ways, yet receives very little public attention.

The Canadian Situation

The Canadian demographic situation is very similar to other countries, having seen a declin...

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Playing the News

Playing the News

There is obviously a hierarchy to news, and it is changing from what we think of as traditional, mainstream, or legacy to new media, social media, and decentralized media. What is less obvious is that for those who seek the greatest insight will increasingly play games.

Media Hierarchy & Competito

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To Err…

I recently wrote something wrong on the internet.

Given some responses, it may have been the first time some people have encountered such a blunder.
Other engagements were incredibly classy and showed intellectual fortitude.
For my part, I learnt a lot, quickly admitted my error, and was gratefu...

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Outer Space as an Exercise in Citizenship

Outer Space as an Exercise in Citizenship

Michael Lind explains pre-modern citizenship as being reserved for adult males who, having
fought to defend their territory,
received citizenship and exclusive rights
by dint of putting their lives on the line.
As a result, we could describe citizenship as a kind local, limited, self-help club f...

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Space Economy Shifts

Space Economy Shifts

Space 4.0 is the application of space to global challenges such as climate change, demographic development, migration, shortage of resources, conflicts and catastrophes, energy, digital divide, health and curiosity. It is a driver for technological improvement in automation, miniaturization, manuf...

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