Problem Definition: A Pre-Solution Framework

Problem Definition: A Pre-Solution Framework

Everyone thinks they understand the problem that they’re solving. Unfortunately, our intuitive understanding, when applied beyond our personal experience, is almost always wrong. Proper thinking about the problem seems like a huge investment of time, so often gets skipped. It can save hundreds of ho...

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Innovation and the Birth of Consciousness

Innovation and the Birth of Consciousness

I recently read an interesting series of articles by Hal Rondo1 dealing with the emergence of consciousness from a Jungian psychology perspective. What caught my attention was how closely Hal’s description mirrored a customer experience failure that I endured. In fact, Hal’s model of the emergence...

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Are Innovation and Entrepreneurship the Same Thing?

As I get towards the end of my MBA, the focus of instruction is on innovation. My current class approaches innovation from the perspective of the corporation, that is, corporate entrepreneurship or intrapraneurship.

The prof has suggested that innovation and entrepreneurship, in this context, are...

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Worm Business: Texas Worm Ranch

Worm Business: Texas Worm Ranch

Owner(s) Heather Rinaldi
In business since ??
Employees 1
Location Dallas, TX, USA
Social Media

Products & Services

  • Worms
  • Worm Bins - "Working"
  • Worm By-Products
    • Worm Wine - "signature product of high quality vermicomp...
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