Worm Business: Texas Worm Ranch

Worm Business: Texas Worm Ranch

Owner(s) Heather Rinaldi
In business since ??
Employees 1
Location Dallas, TX, USA
Social Media

Products & Services

  • Worms
  • Worm Bins - "Working"
  • Worm By-Products
    • Worm Wine - "signature product of high quality vermicompost, rain barrel water, and molasses"
    • Worm Castings
    • Eco-Brew (Worm Tea)
  • Classes
    • Online Worm Composting Class
    • Online Worm Harvesting and Troubleshooting Class
    • Online Soil Biology for Vegetable Gardeners
  • Books


Heather, owner of the Texas Worm Ranch, describes herself as having "over 12 years of professional worm composting experience and is a National Speaker on Vermicomposting, Composting, Regenerative Agriculture, Gardening, Soil Health, and Wellness." One of Heather's focuses is education. Even during the Covid health scare, she's providing classes online. She covers a variety of vermicomposting topics in 1-hour sessions with take-home information.

Heather's been working in her business, and also on her business. She's got a great range of products, including her signature product, a kind of worm tea she calls "Worm Wine". That's great branding! In line with her focus on education, the worm bins she sells and ships are in working condition. In other words, the bins come pre-populated with bedding, food, microorganisms and worms. What a wonderful head start for the first time worm wrangler.