The other day I spent time watching YouTube videos. This is not something I usually do, but I got stuck into looking for worm info and wandered into something called "BioChar". I captured the links, so I thought I'd archive them here.
These are the 5 videos that make up the seminar I watched "Biochar Workshop: How to Make Biochar”:
In the video they refer to a BBC documentary called "The Secret Of Eldorado - TERRA PRETA" that you can find here.
How I Doubled My Pepper Production without Pruning is a video with the incredible peppers. The secret is that the worm castings he used included some extra things, including biochar.
This group “Bright Tech” also seems like they’ve got some really interesting ideas that I liked. I'd like to go back and watch more of their videos. [ "Bright Agrotech
- YouTube")
Finally, this guy from Calgary is building greenhouses that I found really inspiring! I found myself asking, "What would it take to put one of these in every town over 5,000 people across Canada?” Especially if I can marry it with ideas like composting, worm composting, aquaponics and maybe even biochar!
Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash