Hyperspectral Imaging in Earth Observation

Hyperspectral Imaging in Earth Observation

Hyperspectral Imaging

Satellites are the most profitable sector of Canadian space, and earth imaging is the most profitable portion of the sector. To understand satellite imaging, I am exploring several earth observation (EO) technologies. This area is fascinating and changing rapidly, so it's wor...

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Space Based Power Not Yet the Future

Space Based Power Not Yet the Future

I was first exposed to the idea of space-based power in George Friedman's 2010 book The Next 100 Years.1 The idea is fairly simple, locate solar panels above weather and Earth-based obstructions and at a point where the sun shines continuously. Geo-synchronous (GEO) orbits achieve the correct po...

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Space Economy Shifts

Space Economy Shifts

Space 4.0 is the application of space to global challenges such as climate change, demographic development, migration, shortage of resources, conflicts and catastrophes, energy, digital divide, health and curiosity. It is a driver for technological improvement in automation, miniaturization, manuf...

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Levitation Furnaces for Manufacturing in Space

Levitation Furnaces for Manufacturing in Space

Most important, in a practical sense, would be the construction of factories that could make use of the special properties of space — high and low temperatures, hard radiation. Unlimited vacuum, zero gravity — to manufacture objects that could be difficult or impossible to manufacture on Earth, so...

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Manufacturing in Space

Manufacturing in Space

In fact, projects might even be on the planning boards in 2019 to shift industries into orbit in a wholesale manner.
--- Isaac Asimov (The Stare)

In 1983, Isaac Asimov predicted a shift to space-based manufacturing that would revolutionize the process of creating products and the environmenta...

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Energy in Space

Energy in Space

Energy in space is more crucial than on earth. On earth, our atmosphere circulates the energy from solar radiation, for example, and heats extensive areas to liveable (or mostly liveable) temperatures. Outside of the atmosphere, there is only the vacuum of space, which technically doesn't have a tem...

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Canadian Space Satellite Opportunities

Canadian Space Satellite Opportunities

One of the most valuable sectors of the Canadian Space Economy is satellites. Used for communications (cell, TV, radio, internet), military and defence, agriculture, insurance, location services, Canadians benefit massively from these services, especially considering the size of the country and the...

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