Maritime Launch Services

Maritime Launch Services


Headquarters Halifax, Nova Scotia
Founded 2016
Ownership Public, MAXQ-NE
Website Twitter Linkedin


Maritime Launch is a public company from Nova Scotia with permission to create the first Canadian space port located in Canso, Nova Scotia. It plans to launch small rockets, so early customers will all launch satellites. Their CEO claims a breakeven point at a single launch per year and initial capacity of 6 launches per year.

While Canadian space tends to watch the Americans more than copying them, having our own spaceport provides many benefits. For clients, launching from Nova Scotia provides access to unique orbits that are difficult to insert spacecraft into from locations further south. For Canadians, a domestic place to launch reduces the number of headaches required to get a spacecraft into orbit or beyond.

Recent News & Updates

February 14, 2023

Heading towards work on the launch pad at the spaceport is very good news.

January 10, 2023

Space Flight Inc. is a US company that coordinates launches globally for clients. Adding the unique orbital opportunities Spaceport Nova Scotia improves client options.

December 8, 2022

Getting the world to beat a path to your door is highly lucrative and increases Canada's reputation internationally for highly technical skills.

September 21, 2022

While C6, a Canadian launch services company is sending their rockets to Brazil to launch for the next 5 years, the first Canadian spaceport is attracting international partners! Skyrora is from the UK.

August 29, 2022

Land use approval was granted on August 23 and construction of the spaceport commenced August 29, 2022.


Rockets & Propulsion

  • When Canadians Do Rocket Science
  • C6 Launch Systems - Providing launch services for domestic and international customers with its in-house rocket system launched from Brazil.
  • Magellan Aerospace Corp. - Delivering rockets, satellite bus platforms, avionics and assembly, integration and testing services.
  • [Stratotegic]( - Delivering unmanned robotics for traffic control, overflight and high-altitude testing.
  • Space Engine Systems - Developing hypersonic engines from the ground up.
  • SpaceRyde - Developing highly efficient rocket and balloon delivery to space.
  • Reaction Dynamics - A rocket company making rocket fuel from RDX (the bangy-bit of plastic explosives).