Reaction Dynamics

Reaction Dynamics

A rocket company making rocket fuel from RDX (the bangy-bit of plastic explosives).


Headquarters Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec
Founded 2017
Founder(s) Bachar Elzein
Ownership Privately owned and funded
Website Twitter LinkedIn
Rocket Aurora
Stages 2
Height 18 m
Lift Weight 50-150 kg
Lift Volume
Propulsion RDX


Reaction Dynamics is a Canadian rocket company that is using additive manufacturing and multiple test a day to iterate obsessively on their way to demonstration flights at the end of 2022. They are also using a hybrid rocket engine using RDX. RDX is generally used as an explosive that is more energetic than TNT and is used in C-4 when mixed with plasticizers.

Their rocket is code named Aurora and is described on their website as 18m tall, with a 1.3 m (second stage fairing) - 1.8 m (first stage) diameter. The second stage has a 2.5 m height and a payload capacity of 50 - 150 kg.

Small satellite launchers operating from Canada would significantly improve the sector's viability, so watch for orbital test flights in 2023.

Recent News & Updates

September 1, 2022

Flying anything in Canada requires rigorous approvals, which makes this first round of qualification testing vital.

August 24, 2022

Having a way to get to space but no place to launch from is a significant problem that other Canadian space companies (e.g. [C6]()) struggle with. A Maritime Launch Services partnership provides crucial infrastructure for Reaction Dynamics' success.

June 1, 2022

Reaction Dynamics committed to 3D printing their rocket parts, so this announcement of a Velo 3D Sapphire printer was a critical step to move forward.


Rockets & Propulsion