C6 Launch System Inc

C6 Launch System Inc

Providing launch services for domestic and international customers with its in-house rocket system launched from Brazil.


Headquarters Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Founded 1997
Ownership Privately owned and funded
Website Twitter LinkedIn
Stages 2
Height 14 m
Lift Weight 30 kg
Lift Volume 6U


C6 Launch Systems Inc. is a launch services company headquartered in Toronto. Their 2-stage, 14m rocket is built from off the shelf components and aims to put a 16U volume (up to 30kg) into sun-synchronous orbit. Services include launch coordination for clients, producing a full logistical plan for small satellite owners and operators to rapidly launch into space.

Companies like C6 are a major step forward for the Canadian space sector. Regulations and bureaucratic slowness, however, keep the company from operating in Canada. Instead, they are taking their knowledge, contacts, contracts and services to Brazil.

Recent News & Updates

August 30, 2022

Announced that they're going to be launching in Brazil (exclusively) for the next 7 years. This seems due to delays and other roadblocks in getting approvals from Canadian authorities.

July 25, 2022

On July 25, SpaceQ reported

While Canadian based C6 Launch Systems waits for the Canadian government to move forward with regulatory changes that will allow companies like C6 to launch in Canada, they are moving forward with preparations for their first suborbital test at a foreign spaceport.


Launch & Operations Services

  • Mission Control Space Services - Delivering robotic control solutions for space environments and runs a testbed for robots and AI hardening in simulated environments.

Rockets & Propulsion