Energy in Space

Energy in Space

Energy in space is more crucial than on earth. On earth, our atmosphere circulates the energy from solar radiation, for example, and heats extensive areas to liveable (or mostly liveable) temperatures. Outside of the atmosphere, there is only the vacuum of space, which technically doesn't have a tem...

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Leadership Through Content Clarity

Leadership Through Content Clarity

As I launch my micro media business, I am awash in the confusion of a million voices and opinions about what to do and how to do it. What I want is clarity. Clarity is important to me because it leads to leadership.

My working definition of a leader is the person who sees the furthest and communic...

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Innovation and the Birth of Consciousness

Innovation and the Birth of Consciousness

I recently read an interesting series of articles by Hal Rondo1 dealing with the emergence of consciousness from a Jungian psychology perspective. What caught my attention was how closely Hal’s description mirrored a customer experience failure that I endured. In fact, Hal’s model of the emergence...

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Metaverse War as Magick

Metaverse War as Magick

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Reading Al Simon2 this week, he talked about the difference between "magic" and "magick" where magick (with a K) is a set of techniques for sending intentions into the world and receiving feedback using symbolic actions as a signal to the subconscious brain. Magick, in this sense,...

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