Instalment 1 - Note Taking MVP Introduction

Instalment 1 - Note Taking MVP Introduction

MVP in this brief article does not mean "Most Valuable Player", but "Minimum Viable Product". It's an idea from Lean Manufacturing: What is the smallest possible solution that meets all the needs?

Lots of ink has been spilled on the power and technique of note taking, including a 700+ page how-to...

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Instalment 2 - Notes as Thinking Tools

Instalment 2 - Notes as Thinking Tools

"What is good thinking?"

I confess I looked blankly at my friend who asked me this question last summer. My brain brought back the answer, "You know, thinking well," and I choked it down. In the moment, I couldn't think of a suitable answer to such a simple question.

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Instalment 3 - Note Processing

Instalment 3 - Note Processing

So far, we've created notes and combined notes to produce new content. Then we've taken a structured look at linking those notes to other notes to start a dialogue with ourselves.

Is this process good thinking?

I propose it is an excellent start, but there are some missing pieces.

A thinking p...

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Instalment 4 - Research Notes

Instalment 4 - Research Notes

So far in this guide to personal knowledge management, we've discussed how to take notes and how to broaden our understanding with a linking structure. Our notes have collected only our own thoughts. And we've kept it all very minimal.

We started with an extremely simple note example:


This is...

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