

Delivering high throughput, low latency, always on satellite communications at affordable prices.


Headquarters Ottawa, Ontario
Founded 1969
Ownership Public (NASDAQ & TSX:TSAT)
Website Twitter LinkedIn


Telesat specializes in communications equipment for large-scale customers. Their constellation of 188 low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites offer low latency bandwidth options compatible with electronically or manually steered antennas suitable for deployment on land, on the go, in the air, or on the water. A global Geo-synchronous orbit (GEO) satellite fleet provides C-, Ku- and Ka bands for broadcast, corporate, telecom and government customers. On the ground, their Lightspeed terminals self-acquire a satellite signal and connect to the network with Gigabytes per second capacity.

With the drop in the cost of getting to LEO, many satellite and communications companies rushed to fly spacecraft at that altitude. Being much lower than GEO significantly shortens the time delay between Earth receivers and the satellites. Addressing the reduced broadcast area coverage with more satellites became an appropriate financial trade-off.

Recent News & Updates

December 14, 2022

Telesat wholly owns the Telesat Government Solutions subsidiary which provides secure communications across the globe for the U.S. Government and its allies. Still, this announcement is a

May, 2022

Telesat is a global company, doing demonstrations around the world; this year, for example, in Brazil and India.

November 19, 2021

Telesat begins trading on NASDAQ; a big day for any Canadian company.


📞 Communications

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  • Telesat - Delivering high throughput, low latency, always on satellite communications at affordable prices.