Communications & Power Industries

Communications & Power Industries

Delivering satellite communications technology for Canadian contributions to international collaborations.


Headquarters Georgetown, Ontario (Palo Alto, California)
Founded 1948
Founder(s) Russell H. Varian, Sigurd F. Varian
Ownership Private
Website LinkedIn YouTube


Adding an American company to a guide on the Canadian space sector is unusual. As a company founded in 1948, it also doesn't fit into the new space narrative. Communications & Power Industries (CPI) doesn't even focus on products or services for space. It is included here because its Canadian branch in Georgetown, Ontario provides high-end radar equipment for Canada's contribution to missions like NASA's Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT).

The company's bread and butter is manufacturing many items for industrial and military use. Its antennas are used in deep space (i.e. beyond Earth orbit) to facilitate communications and they also produce a wide range of ground station antennae.


Recent News & Updates

December 16, 2022

Canada's contribution to the SWOT mission is the radar system, produced by CPI. This will project is expected to yield many insights into domestic and international waterways at a previously impossible level of detail.



  • Communications & Power Industries - Delivering satellite communications technology for Canadian contributions to international collaborations.
  • Eagle Flight Network - Delivering grounds station services to indigenous communities across the country.
  • Kepler Communications - Delivering space-generated data instantaneously.
  • SpaceBridge - Delivering high-end, enterprise-grade broadband solutions outside urban environments.
  • Telesat - Delivering high throughput, low latency, always on satellite communications at affordable prices.