Luxsonic Technologies Inc.

Luxsonic Technologies Inc.

Delivering VR healthcare insights and training at scale.


Headquarters Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Founded 2017
Founder(s) Arjun Puri, Mike Wesolowski
Ownership Private
Website Twitter LinkedIn


Luxsonic has burst onto the Canadian health scene with virtual reality (VR) technology that aims to improve health outcomes from coast to coast to coast to orbit and beyond. SieVRt is VR medical imaging software with three targets: medical education, radiology research and surgical planning.

Part of their product offering is a technical skills assessment for educators and students. Knowing strengths and weakness is naturally an important asset in developing further. Automating the process is expected to reduce human bias in evaluators, reduce the cost while increasing the convenience. Combined, the advantages of this system should mean more and better assessments that encourage technicians to improve their medical skills, just like most other quantification naturally lead to improvement.

VR equipment can be extremely effective in delivering health care remotely. People working in orbit or on the Moon may not have in-person access to top-notch medical care and VR can help close the gap in providing it. The isolation from health care in space mirrors that of rural communities in Canada, which may be hundred of kilometres from needed help, making investment into this technology immensely practical.

Recent News & Updates

October 19, 2022

The history of brilliant innovation is full of great products that died from lack of funding to bring them to the world. So, getting funding should not to be taken for granted.

