Beyond Blue Aerospace

Beyond Blue Aerospace

Delivering suborbital space plane R&D, pilot training, and encouraging amateur rocketry.


Headquarters Toronto, Ontario
Ownership Private
Website Twitter LinkedIn
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For Beyond Blue Aerospace building a "safe, reliable, and reusable space-plane" capable of reaching the Karman line (100 km) is the company's primary mission. Supporting their research and development, they run a pilot ground school school and offer books and courses for suborbital pilots.

Beyond Blue's ground school is available online and consists of 4 courses that teach important information for anyone operating above or below the Karman line. The first course introduces students to the suborbital space environment (atmosphere) and its effects on the performance and safety of crew and equipment. The second course is about operations at high altitude, especially how to keep humans alive in those conditions. Course number 3 teaches how to calculated trajectories of suborbital vehicles. In course 4, students learn about the international and national laws applicable to space, who's making the laws and their motivations.

Seeing rocketry as a stepping stone to spaceflight, the company actively develops and tests scaled versions of their designs. They continuously engage in outreach programs in association with Launch Canada, Air Cadets, schools and indigenous groups.

Recent News & Updates

August 8, 2022

Beyond Blue participates in rocketry competitions, encouraging enthusiasts, who often go on to careers in aerospace or the space sector.


Small Aerospace Shops

  • Beyond Blue Aerospace - Delivering suborbital space plane R&D and encouraging amateur rocketry.
  • Astronomy in Action - Teaching astronomy with portable planetariums and virtual programs for kids and adults alike.
  • Plateau Astro - Delivering one-man astronomy outreach through on-the-street telescope interactions, presentation, workshops, and events.