Plateau Astro

Plateau Astro

Delivering one-man astronomy outreach through on-the-street telescope interactions, presentation, workshops, and events.


Headquarters Montréal, Quebec
Founded 2017?
Founder(s) Trevor Kjorlien
Ownership Private
Website Twitter Facebook
YouTube Instagram


Trevor teaches astronomy from Montréal, often taking his telescope out to the park and engaging with the public. He does guided tours, presentations to groups of all ages, moonrise events, and workshops. Birthday parties and other private events are also part of the repertoire.

Astronomy is not only a gateway to interest (or a career) in space, but also science in general. It is one of humanity's oldest and most persistent interests.

An interesting aspect of the new space movement is how individuals can get involved and still make a meaningful contribution. While the institutional boffins and bureaucrats will dominate the space for a while yet, the sector is already shifting towards business people creating agile responses to what people actually want. Digital tools empower solo-preneurs like Plateau Astro, yet, hands-on, in-person events are extremely popular.

Recent News & Updates

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Many religious practices incorporate astronomical observation in complex and often moving interactions with the world, a kind of living in harmony with nature. The skills required to keep these traditions alive have dwindled, creating niche service opportunities.



  • Astronomy in Action - Teaching astronomy with portable planetariums and virtual programs for kids and adults alike.
  • Plateau Astro - Delivering one-man astronomy outreach through on-the-street telescope interactions, presentation, workshops, and events.